
喷 气 式 发 动 机 燃 料的英文

  • jet fuels
  • :    time on the market; in seaso ...
  • :    gas
  • :    type; style
  • :    hair
  • :    harness cause disorder stir ...
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        :    time on the market; in seaso ...
        :    gas
        :    type; style
        :    hair
        :    harness cause disorder stir ...
        :    machine; engine
        :    burn
        料×:    7 chi
        程 式 开 发:    program development
        发 展 用 的 机 器:    development machine
        :    动词1.(燃烧) burn 易燃物品 combustibles; inflammables; 自燃 spontaneous combustion [ignition]; 纸张易燃。 paper burns easily.2.(引火点着) ignite; light 燃灯[烛] light a lamp [candle]; 燃起一堆篝火 light a bonfire; 从烟囱里冒出的火星燃着了屋顶板。 sparks from the chimney ignited the shingles
        :    喷动词1.(液体等受压力而射出) spurt; spout; gush; jet 火山喷出火焰和岩浆。 a volcano spouts flame and lava. 喷泉向空中喷水。 the fountain spurted water into the air. 石油从井口喷了出来。 oil gushed from the well. 水从管子的裂口喷出。 water spouted from the break of the pipe. 血从伤口喷出。 blood spurted from the wound.2.(喷洒) spray; sprinkle 给花喷点水 sprinkle some water on the flower; 往果树上喷农药 spray fruit trees with insecticide
        紫 绀 (氧 气 不 足 , 皮 肤 发 紫 ):    cyanosis
        :    名词1.(材料; 原料) material; stuff 颜料 dye stuff; 燃料 fuel; 木料 timber; lumber2.(喂牲口用的谷物) feed; fodder 草料 forage; fodder; 猪饲料 pig feed3.(料器) glassware 料货 synthetic jade or glass4.(素质; 内在因素) makings; stuff 是个作家的料 have the makings of a writer; 他不是当医生的料。 he hasn't got the makings of a doctor. 他这块料, 干不了大事儿。 a person like him can't do anything big.Ⅱ动词(预料; 料想) expect; predict; anticipate 不出所料 as was expected; 难以预料 hard to predictⅢ量词1.(用于中医配制丸药) 一料药方 one prescription2.(用于计算木材的单位, 两端截面是1(平)方尺, 长足7尺的木材叫一料) unit of calculating timber, 1× 7 chi
        :    名词(头发) hair 白发 grey [white] hair; 假发 wig; false hair; 金发 blonde [golden] hair; fair hair; 理发 haircut; 毛发 hair (on the human body and head); 银发 silver hair
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(改变原来的位置或脱离静止状态) move; stir 不许动 ! 否则就开枪了。 don't move, or i'll shoot. 微风吹动树叶。 a breeze stirred the leaves. 这东西一个人拿不动。 no one can carry that single-handed.2.(行动) act; get moving 不要轻举妄动。 don't make a rash act. 群众普遍地动起来了。 the masses all got moving.3.(改变事物原来的位置或样子) change; alter 这句话只要动一两个字就顺了。 just change one or two words and the sentence will read smoothly.4.(使用; 动用) use 动脑筋 use one's head; 先不要动那笔钱。 don't use [spend] the sum of money now.5.(触动) touch; arouse 动肝火 flare up; 动感情 be carried away by emotion; get worked up; 动了公愤 have aroused public indignation6.(感动) move; touch (one's heart) 不为甜言蜜语所动 not to be swayed by fine words; 动人肺腑 touch one's heartstrings7.[方言] (多用于否定式: 吃) eat or drink 不动荤腥 never touch meat or fish; be vegetarianⅡ名词(动作) movement; action 一举一动 every movement [act]Ⅲ副词(动不动; 常常) frequently; easily; at every turn 动辄得咎[罪] be blamed for every move
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(气体) gas 毒气 poisonous [poison] gas; 煤气 coal gas; gas; 沼气 marsh gas; methane2.(空气) air 打开窗子透一透气 open the window to let in some fresh air; 给气球充气 blow air into a balloon; 这球已打足了气。 the ball is fully swelled with air.3.(气息) breath 喘不过气来 lose one's breath; gasp for breath; 上气不接下气 be out of breath; gasp for breath; 停下来歇口气 stop to catch one's breath; 气喘喘地说出几句话 gasp out a few words; speak between pants; 我怎么也缓不过气来。 i could not get my breath anyhow.4.(自然界冷热阴晴等现象) weather 秋高气爽 fine autumn weather5.(气味) smell; odour 臭气 bad odour; foul smell; 香气扑鼻。 a sweet smell assailed the nostrils.6.(精神状态) spirit; morale 垂头丧气 in low spirits; 打气 boost the morale; cheer on; 朝气勃勃 vigorous; full of youthful vigour; 气可鼓而不可泄。 morale should be boosted, not dampened.7.(作风; 习气) airs; manner; style 官气 bureaucratic airs; 孩子气 childishness; 书生气十足 bookish in the extreme8.(受到的欺侮) insult; bullying 忍气吞声 swallow an insult; submit to humiliation; 过去, 在那个封建家庭里, 她受了不少气。 in the old days, she used to be bullied in the feudal family.9.[中医] (人体内能使各器官正常地发挥机能的原动力) qi; vital energy; energy of life 元气 vitality; vigourⅡ动词1.(生气; 发怒) get angry; be enraged 气得直哆嗦 tremble with rage; 他为受到愚弄而气得发昏。 he got insanely angry at being made a fool of.2.(使人生气) make angry; enrage 我故意气他一下。 i was deliberately trying to annoy him.; i got him angry on purpose
        :    名词1.(样式) type; style 西[中国] 式 western [chinese] style; 新式 new type [style]; 他们出售各式镜子。 they sell every style of mirror.2.(格式) pattern; form 程式 pattern; form to be copied3.(仪式; 典礼) ceremony; ritual 开幕式 opening ceremony; 阅兵式 military review; parade4.(自然科学中表明某种规律的一组符号) formula 方程式 equation; 分子式 molecular formula5.[语言学] (表示说话者对所说事情的主观态度) mood; mode 叙述式 indicative mood6.(姓氏) a surname 式同 shi tong
        :    machineengine
        然 燃:    ran
        燃,着火:    inflame
        气 气:    ch’i
        涌出,喷:    spew v. come out in a rush or flood, gush
        绿t料:    green t substance; green t-substance
        创始,发:    originate


  1. "沛县"英文
  2. "沛雨甘霖"英文
  3. "沛缇"英文
  4. "沛铧"英文
  5. "喷"英文
  6. "喷(刷)路搭接幅度"英文
  7. "喷(涂外)逸"英文
  8. "喷;喷射器;喷出的液体;喷湿"英文
  9. "喷氨处理"英文
  10. "喷白霜"英文


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